Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Motherhood :: 9-25-12

Ah me. How did I get here? In my wildest dreams I never imagined I would be so happy, overwhelmed, tired, lonely, and completely at peace at this point in my life.

I have the ultimate dream, though; a loving husband who is truly {not just stereotypically}my best friend and the one who still makes my heart flutter. Together we've created the best and most loving and brilliant two kids a mother could brag about. My 1st born Boo Bear who is truly the brightest, most polite, although completely in the midst of those hard toddler years boy there ever was. He is handsome and warm, and outgoing to a fault. Where he got this, we still don't know. I am a homebody who has a hard time reaching out and I find it takes time to make real friend--since I'm in it for real. My husband is an ex-extrovert who has recently {due to his current employment} been completely disappointed by society and humanity in general and has become a practicing pessimist--although not when it comes to his dear wife and children. So, we hope to foster this talent of our dear little Boo Bear and keep him as friendly and accepting as we can through this world he travels. He is also a lover of all music. He sings constantly which always puts a smile on my face and leaves a prayer of gratitude in my heart for his sweetness in my life. He truly made me a mother, and we have learned a lot together in his short three years.

My sweet little Princess has brought motherhood full circle to this point. A baby girl. Every girl's dream to have their own little baby girl to grow into their shopping partner, chick-flick watcher, and altogether another female in the household! She is so sweet and has such a tender heart. I only have to tell her no and she is in tears, feeling badly for her mistake. She smiles, and laughs and plays with us, and adores her brother, who can always light her up and make her scream in delight. She loves her daddy and her daddy's work partner, our live-in K9, the God of Chaos. She is small--so small--and is content to sit and play on the floor for hours. She inherited her mommy's appetite and loves to eat and eat and eat. She is just shy of a year old and looks like she's still six months old. Part of me loves that she is still so small and baby-like, so I can hold on to it for a bit longer; time has gone too fast.

My husband is a strong man, tall and intimidating. He works hard, with his heart and soul and tries to do what's best with every situation and every person. He works will people, but mostly people no one wants to work with. He has become disappointed in people. They've let him down, and it seems they never disappoint to be selfish, destructive, and ignorant. He still does an amazing job, and is always so happy to come home to his family. He works ridiculous hours and I often go to bed alone, which wasn't in the ultimate plan for myself. He is the best daddy to his two kids, and would do anything and everything for them. They adore him too! We are so lucky to have such a hard working, loyal, spiritual, and great example leading our home.

Now for me. I am a bit shy, quite insecure in my skin at times and yet completely confident at who I am. I am always tired, and my house isn't as clean as I would like. I am a Christian and believe in my Father in Heaven and his Son, Jesus Christ, and although I am working to better my relationship with Him, I know he leads my life and family. I am quite conservative in my views and believe in the sanctity of marriage and fidelity with all my being. I believe in being kind, honest, respectful, and virtuous. I believe in happily ever after and having a family that will last beyond this life. I believe in being happy, and in being a full-time mom. It is my greatest passion, struggle, and accomplishment in life. I believe in agency and find it to be an amazing gift and also a huge responsibility. I listen to Christmas music starting in August and can't wait for the weather to turn cold so I know my favorite 3 months of the year are coming. I believe in education, and taught school before becoming a mom. I want to be trendy and fashionable but it just doesn't come to me naturally. I want to be healthy, but that is also a struggle at times. I am doing my best. I can also do better. I want to grow and never stop learning and becoming who I was meant to become.

So, how did this happen? How did this dreaming 13 year old who wished she fit in and that a boy would like her become this mother of two {and maybe even more} and wife of the man she dreamed of ? One day at a time. And that's how it happens, and that is how I hope to take it.

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